Capstone Project

I am working on a multi-user web application for the university domain. I haven’t disclosed the idea here yet, but I will upload the complete application along with the documentation once it is ready. Please note that the following technical decisions were driven by the problem domain and not based on my convenience with the technologies.

  1. Architecture Design Patterns
    • MVC
    • REST
  2. Programming Paradigms
    • Object-oriented
    • Aspect-oriented
  3. Platform
    • Java EE 7
      (There are two reasons for using this older platform: first, for learning purposes as it exposes you to advanced software engineering concepts as they evolved, and second, as a future project, I will carry out application modernization to migrate the application to the Spring framework.)
  4. Other Services & Technologies
    • Google DLP API
    • PostgreSQL
    • Redis
    • React for the frontend
      (Since I’ll be developing a REST service, I’ve decided to go with React as the frontend framework instead of JSF.)

Copyright © Jheel Patel.